I don't remember ever doing anything that didnt start of good intentions. not even a tiny little thing. I like to believe that what we do kind of multiplies and echoes in the air; the good intentions, the acts of kindness, the positive thinking, the passionate speech... it's all there, around you. surrounding you and wrapping tight all that is part of your reality. bringing back to you what came out of you. you do good not expecting to receive good back. but you do it knowing that everything you do has a consequence.
It makes me sad sometimes to think that some people around me can be so sad about themselves, so insecure and so unispired, that when the possibility of getting into a good cause, a new opportunity, the chance of sharing a dream with someone... they just act like thick eraser blocks that go on trying to run over your dreams and aspirations as if they could prevent you of getting it done. they end up not erasing anything you have written, but they leave a continuous blur on the paper you had painted with your ink. with the best of your intentions.
people like that make me feel like you can never be safe from the negative spaces in the world. they are afraid of getting it done because of their fear of failure and im so quite the opposite of all that. i fear not trying, not getting anything a chance, i fear being unfair and insecure, so i hardly ever say "No" to anything. it can be bad sometimes, but thats how it works for me. I can live knowing that i never understimated or ignored a possibility, a potential. i can't go on tormented by neglection or lack of confidence to make my own decisions and follow my own path.
i hate taking friends with me in certain journeys, because they usually give up half way of our path. and even though no matter what, i will keep going, the baggage they leave is heavy and i am left carrying it till the end.
i hate cowards and blank page people. the ones who dont have dreams, who are ambitious but dont have balls to "do it yourself". but i might keep quiet just now and concentrate in the positive, in the dreamers and believers that every now and then, fall from a cloud right on my lap.

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