Tuesday, 5 February 2008

out of the ordinary

I left work earlier yesterday. I don't know why. I just wanted out of there. I took the bus, got some milk at the corner shop before coming up to the flat.

I got two blankets for extra warmth. Put "Lost in Translation" on. watch it and get all euphoric. Every time I watch that film, I find tiny little pieces I didn't see there before.

I'm ready for my white russians now. About two drinks later I put "Before Sunset" on.

Then I just realise my tuesday had just began.

you need just a little sparkle to start a huge fire. I had forgotten that for a good day you just need to make sure you get to see that tiny light somewhere. for extra warmth, get a double blanket.

the blurry town as how i see it when im walking to work at 6 am. cellphone picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww nice blog. it gives me a warm feeling ;)
Like the picture below. you are so good at capturing awesome moments!