There's something really romantic about my past.
Everytime I get in touch with everything/everyone who had to stay behind, I feel like roots have been burried underground and are now so long, I never really lost touch with them.
Roots just grow stronger with time.
It's just that they are not on the surface, you don't really recall them all the time, but they are always there. always connecting you with the rest. with your structure. because that's what past is right? it's what builds and shape you. it's what makes you know where to go when you have to move on.
Talking to friends this week, getting excited about these holidays back home, makes me feel powerful and brave. it's not always that i feel like adventuring in the romantic waves, or that i feel like really giving heart and soul to fate like I feel doing this.
I realise I didn't buy tickets for a holiday. I've bought tickets to travel back in time. I can't stop thinking and wanting to be there so much. i want to dedicate one day to each of my friends. like getting into their worlds for a day/night and share with them my travel machine.
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