Thursday, 3 July 2008

how it's gotta be

it seems so wrong to be this upset but I am.
What is it this thing you do...
I am exhausted, I can not even be too angry.
I just feel numb.

the phone rings, im not expecting it.
after all this time?
"where have you been?", I dare to ask...

then you tell me. then i accept it. then we pretend things will start from where we stopped,
but not this time.

"so what have you been up to?" and for the first time I hesitate in telling you, I dont say a word because I dont want to, I dont know what to say, so I say nothing.

nothing like the silence you wrapped me with.
Gosh, I am upset.

sitting here, just thinking, why the fuck you bother.
if i asked you, im sure you wouldnt tell.

thats when we turn opposite directions.
have a safe journey.

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