Well, not literally. but true.
I think it is time to let silence stand still, give it a go. enjoy a pause
on chaos,
on reality.
the past weeks have been a pour down of goodbyes. timid ones, abrupt goodbyes, careless, meaningfull, prospective ones. But none of them really effective if I must say.
It is weird to have to feel brave enough to just dial a number, to say what I've been really thinking. Not that it always comes out the way it should. I also think I'm a lot better, but you know, and I know, you just don't know how to deal with me. and you never will.
My body is a whole, moving from town to town. freaks and artists in and out. and all that feeling of being somewhere you don't belong, it's all there. fresh and permanent like the fading ink tattooed on the back of my neck.
not much resistance. not really sure where you've gone. Sadly your eyes won't be running on these words ever again. I dearly miss you friend, dearly dearly miss you. And all these years you've listened to, they are just gone with you. without you I'm just a nomad soul, restless and breaking down on transit. wish you were here.
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