... as always. you come and go.
as fast as a rocket. slip through my fingers, never leave traces of your tempting existence.
and as always, you tease. you say you'll stay but you leave.
i bet a hundred bucks we won't meet.
damn our profecy.
On a bright note and not as poetic, well, things have been just normal. I've changed jobs; then changed my mood again and got back to what I was previously doing. It's been a "catching up" phase for so long now. I feel like properly starting new things. But knowing myself the way I do, I know that I better watch to not let things unfinished again.
I've been thinking a lot about the book! yeah! I want to get back to it. But I feel really down about my pictures. lack of inspiration maybe? I've been trying. But ideas don't really come to me that easily just now.
Probably the main problem's been I'm tired of using timer and rushing from behind to front of the camera. I need a model. hopefully I'll find one. But I also know that making things depend on other things just get your problems in a chain...
I'm enjoying the beggining of winter. I always feel that autumn is just too short. at least the whole cerimonial thing, the visual part of autumn... maybe there's some consolation for me. maybe winter will be windy and bring me some news. fresh air. a beautiful woman. or man...
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