I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned how bad I am at making decisions. I don't have problems procrastinating, but I'm just terrible at long term judgments. It's so much easier just following your instincts, but unfortunately, not everything causes first impressions and therefore I can't base every move on my instincts.
I've been noticing that I do have a plan B for these "special ocasions". it's when I get absolutely too tired to change anything at all, when I simply don't have strengh to even think or re-avaluate situations, I simply turn around, hands up, and just let a word or two slip from my head. People around me usually get shocked and seem to get a perfect message from my mistaken words. Things change. for the better. how lucky I am. Or maybe, just too tired. No matter what, it's good to know it works for me.

Following the "one step at a time" process still hasn't got to me though. I can see it clearly how it ends up putting me behind schedule with so many things, but at least, keeping myself busy keeps me out of trouble. or so I like to believe it...
Have been watching some real good films recently. A matinee the other day to watch "Two days in Paris" got me absolutely tempted and I booked tickets to Paris. In a couple of months I'll be going then. I'm staying next to the Moulin Rouge, and aparently, an "Erotic Museum". I can't wait. I need a change of air. I don't know why, but I'm so sure I'll fall in love with the place. I'll let you know ;)